Prince Charles, who is second in line to the throne and firstborn child of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and his wife, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie, was born on May 10, 2020. From their home of Fischbach Castle, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Hereditary Grand Duchess gave an interview to 'De Magazin' of RTL television.
In the interview, they talked about parenthood, the time before Prince Charles was born and their plans for the future. The hereditary Grand Ducal couple received the RTL team at their home in Fischbach. The baby prince was beside the couple during the interview done by RTL journalist Deborah Ceccacci. The couple told Ceccacci how they were enjoying daily life with their son, with Stéphanie adding that their days were never boring with a baby.
Ceccacci inquired as to the history behind the baby prince's name: Charles Jean-Philippe Joseph Marie-Guillaume. He was named for his great-great uncle and for his great-great grandmother Grand Duchess Charlotte. The future Grand Duke's other names honour Grand Duke Jean, who passed away last year, and his grandfather Philippe, and Joseph for his great-grandfather. Finally, Marie-Guillaume is a family name.
While the couple acknowledged that their first few months as new parents had not been easy, particularly on the sleep front, they both agreed Prince Charles was a sweet and affable baby who liked to laugh. They discussed the values they would like to impart on their son as he grows older, with Guillaume highlighting aspects of his own childhood and the way he was raised, which he would like to pass down to the next generation of the throne. However, he added he was happy to spend the most of time with his son before considering his next role as future Grand Duke.
As for the future, the couple said that they want to grow their family, but currently said they were dedicated to enjoying life with little Prince Charles.