Please note some of the links & images contained on my site will be affiliated & should a purchase be made via such a link it may result in a small commission being paid.
Items marked with an * have either been gifted or purchased with a gifted gift voucher.
Items marked with an * have either been gifted or purchased with a gifted gift voucher.
Shirt - J Crew
Belt - Isabel Marant
Trousers - Marks & Spencer *
Shoes - Bought in Mallorca
Morning lovelies, it's out first day out of lockdown! Although of course things aren't going to be returning to the old normal any time soon but it will be nice to be able to have a bit of freedom & flexibility, not to mention get the greys sorted & hair cut! Let's just hope things stay that way & the virus is finally under control!
I've gone for the good old classic combo of a denim shirt & off white trousers with a splash of tan & leopard today.
Shop My Style
Shirt - J Crew
Belt - Jigsaw
Trousers - Reiss
Shoes - Boden
Enjoy your day & I'll be back in the morning.