(CGTN) "Amazing China," a 90-minute documentary, has become a real hit in the Chinese film market. It has raked in over 27 million yuan (4.27 million US dollars) at the national box office up until March 14, becoming the highest-grossing documentary in the country, according to the China News Service.
Amazing China recorded a series of achievements China has made since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, demonstrating the country’s powerful strength in scientific, technological, diplomatic and military fields.
Blue Whale 2, the world’s largest maritime drilling platform, demonstrates the strength of the Chinese maritime industry in the documentary. It can reach 3,000 meters deep underwater and contribute to the exploration of more submarine resources in the South China Sea.
China’s growing strength in military and diplomatic fields is demonstrated in the documentary. In 2011, China successfully evacuated over 30,000 Chinese nationals in Libya. Military aircraft and ships were first used to evacuate overseas Chinese citizens.
Apart from these mass achievements, the documentary also unveiled how ordinary Chinese people played important roles in building these super projects, for example, the workers. These great projects couldn’t be achieved without the effort of each hardworking Chinese people.
The documentary scores 9.6 out of 10 on Maoyan Movie, one of the biggest online movie ticketing platforms in China.
Source: CGTN