Producer Deepak Jain movie is making waves even before its release, who is debuting with his dream project “Gang of Littles” in Bollywood starring Abhishek Jain, Govind Namdev, Roshini Walia and Others. Deepak Jain is doing all efforts for the movie and leaving no stone unturned. He said, “This movie is very important for me because it's going to be my first step in Bollywood. For two years I've worked only on my dream project. Now when it's released I feel I've done the most important thing in my life. I've eaten, slept and breathed with the film. I've personally looked into every aspect". "
Through This film Producer Deepak Jain is introducing the young and new face in Bollywood the motive to connect well with the children’s. However; the movie is written and directed by Vijay Kumar Mishra, DOP Saleem and EP Mukesh Dholkhedia. The film is going to hit the theatre on this Month 16th December.