Now the ladies and I planned for a dining on or beside the water for our dinner, which was originally an idea of mine. Luckily the ladies are game enough to go along. We, or rather I, was eyeing this particular restaurant on the lake which I read great reviews about. However when we called we were given the bad news that they were fully booked for the evening. Bummer. I was already so psyched on the cool ambiance of the seaside restaurant!
So we reverted to Plan B – the Lake Side restaurant.
This restaurant is located outside the city centre, in Seefeld in the district of Reisbach and you would need to take a tram to get here. I guess one of the positive sides is that we were pushed to get out of the touristy area, hop on board a tram and navigate our way through the residential streets of Seefeld to get to this restaurant on the lake.
When we arrived at the restaurant, we were met by a large box of a building with a characterless façade. It was not well lighted outside so we were not sure if the building was indeed the restaurant. As we entered, the space slowly opened into what we saw an empty restaurant with unoccupied large round tables and on the side was a long bar counter. It looked like a function room for a wedding party. The lights were too bright as well which reminds me of the Asian style of lighting using fluorescent lamps.
As if some queue we uttered, almost simultaneously – Oh, this looks like a Chinese restaurant. LOL
I was starting to worry when we saw guests dining outside on the terrace beside the lake. One of the wait staff was quick enough to usher us to our reserved table outside on the terrace. We all heaved a sigh of relief. Now what we are only hoping is that we won’t be served with a Chinese menu!
Nothing wrong with Chinese as I love Chinese cuisine but we are Asians and we are all quite familiar with how Chinese restaurants are designed. We were more expecting some Swiss flair which we did not find at first.
Because we had a long lunch earlier, which I will blog soon about, we were not that hungry. We all ordered the same thing – Asian Salad with Salmon.
The salad came which in terms of presentation wasn’t attractive at all, but when we tasted it, our opinions changed. It was a lovely, fresh, light and very tasty salad! So we were quite happy with the choice.
And because it was dark already we did not really see much of the lake. We just know that we were dining beside the lake and that its open. I guess I am too spoiled to even notice this as during summer I am pampered with waterfront dinners in the Greek Islands.
There is a boat dock in front of the restaurant and so one could actually come here with the public ferry. For the ferry schedules, one should check this locally onsite.
Now the highlight of this dinner is the end part when Bubbles went to the toilet and came back raving about how impressed she was about the loo. In order to get inside the toilet you will have to enter a code. The design inside was not something you would expect in such a restaurant. It was indeed a surprise which quite reminds me of the café restaurant I visited in Zemun, Serbia – Zemun Waterfront Boulevard and Brener Café Toilet with Movies
We were thinking of going clubbing but it was getting late. My hotel sits in the mountain in Uetliberg and I would hate to miss the last train which goes just before midnight. In addition, most clubs in Switzerland are somewhat exclusive requiring proper dress code and the ladies were wearing shorts and sneakers. Not really a big miss as we were more looking forward to diving into soft bed and pillows in our hotel room! #aging_issues Haha.
Here in the tram going to Lake Side Restaurant in Seefeld.
The dock in Seefeld right across Lake Side Restaurant.
The last ferry of the day!
Dining outside on the terrace. It was a bit dark and they should have more lamps outside.
Asian Salad with salmon and rice. I think this dish is partly inspired by the Indonesian salad dish called Gado-Gado.
The impressive toilet of Lake Side restaurant!
Hmm, is this NSFW? For those outside Europe. #notsafeforwork
Really catchy huh for a toilet! =)
Travel Period: September 2016
Destination: Seefeld – Reisbach (Zurich), Switzerland
Keep in touch and follow me on Facebook: Travel & Lifestyle Diaries by Dutched Pinay Travels
Happy Travels! Enjoy Life =)
All pictures were taken by a point and shoot pocket camera or a smartphone.