Mumbai.A grand Kavi Sammelan held on 19th November, 2016 at Ajanta Party Hall,Goregaon (West),Mumbai on currency demonetization .The program was organized by Gandhi Vichar Manch's President Shri.Manmohan Gupta. The people of Mumbai attended the celebrations in large numbers and made it a grand success. Poets expressed their views through their poetry and turned the evening into a poetic treat.Some of them supported Modi’s step as best decisions and some of them says its dangerous for the country and the decision was wrong.The Special guests were like the National President of Gandhi Vichar Manch Manmohan Gupta,Vice-president Smt.Snehlata Gupta,Shivji Gupta, Global Advertisers’s director Amit Gupta,Mithlesh Mishra,Agrabandhu Seva Samiti’s Laxminaarayan Agrawal, Gopaldas Agrawal, Brijkishor Agrawal, Kanbihari Agrawal, Program Achor Suresh Mishra, Jaiprakash Pandey,Brijmohan Agrawal etc. contributed in making the program grand and rememberable.
Poets like Suresh Mishra, Hrishwarchandra, Smt.Sumita Keshva,Jawaharlal Nirjhar,Smt.Meenu Madan,Smt.Pramila Sharma, Madhu Shringi, Manmohan Gupta,Pradeep Sharma,Phirturaam Yadav,Shilpa Yadav,Jakir Hussain, Ramesh Srivastav,Shivam Pandey etc graced the event with their poems. Present on the occasion were Gandhi Vichar Manch's Ishwar Singh, Shruti,Manoj Chaudhari and members of Gandhi Vichar Manch’s with Agrabandhu Seva Samiti’s made the function a grand success.