On September 15, 2020, King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien attended the annual Prinsjesdag (Prince's Day) held at Grote Kerk in the Hague. Prinsjesdag is the opening of the Dutch Parliament on the third Tuesday in September. It is the day on which the reigning monarch of the Netherlands addresses a joint session of the Dutch Senate and House of Representatives. Queen Maxima wore a dress from Claes Iversen.
Just like every year, the King gave a speech from the throne, which sets out the main features of government policy for the coming parliamentary year. The activities marking Prinsjesdag were different this year as a result of measures taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The Joint Session of the two Houses of the States General were held in the Grote Kerk (Great Church) in the Hague instead of in the Ridderzaal (Hall of Knights).