Chow Yun-Fat plans to give entire fortune to charity

(China Plus) Chow Yun-Fat, famous Hong Kong movie actor, will donate fortune to charity.

Winning the best actor in Hong Kong Film Award for three times and twice in Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards, Chow Yun-Fat is known as a symbol of Hong Kong movie industry. Chow started his acting career in 1973, and now he is still working at the frontline.

Being rich and famous, Chow lives a simple and frugal live. He tries to take public transports as often as possible when he is off work. He prefers buying cheap but comfortable clothes to shopping luxury brands. He always enjoys Hong Kong traditional street foods. What's more, he had been using an old Nokia for 17 years, before it finally broke down.

Opposite to parsimony towards himself, Chow is generous to society as a public figure. Chow announced on October 15 that he will donate all his fortune, 5.6 billion Hong Kong dollars ($700 million), to charity after he retires. Jasmine Tan, Chow's wife, said the charity foundation has been set upon the news conference of Chow's new film "Project Gutenberg" in Beijing.

Source: China Plus by Liu Jiyi

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