The stunning view from our room window.
This is Luza Square. Our room is on the second floor (third floor for the non-Europeans) of the building from the second to the right, just behind me and the Orlando’s Column.
The drive from Mostar to Dubrovnik took approximately 3 hours or perhaps a little bit longer since we have to cross over 2 international border crossings. I originally planned on a different route via Stolac but our GPS took us to this mostly used route where we had to go through the famous ‘Neum corridor’ exiting Bosnia & Herzegovina twice and entering Croatia twice as well. Luckily there was no heavy traffic and immigration went smooth. At both border crossings, the immigration officer asked for the green paper of the car (which is the registration of the car). You can’t cross without presenting this.
If you look at the map, it’s pretty interesting how Bosnia & Herzegovina managed to snatch a little piece of shoreline from Croatia – 20 kilometres of access to the sea. This is the only summer beach resort of Bosnia & Herzegovina, the holiday village of Neum aka the Neum corridor. But how on earth did this happen?
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