​Stop, Watch, Think & Speak Up! This World Mental Health Day lets unite to #StampOutStigma

Imagine yourself caged in a soundproof dark room, you can breathe but you can’t live, you want to talk but your voice is not being heard, you want to break free but something is holding you back. Now imagine living like this forever! Difficult, right? That’s what a person with mental illness goes through, every day, every moment of his/her life!
This World Mental Health Day, MPower releases a powerful, thought provoking video highlighting six stigmas of mental illness. Titled ‘Stamp Out Stigma’, the video has been released with an aim to create awareness around mental illness and sends out a strong message that mental illness should not be treated as a social stigma.
In a country of 1.2 billion people, over 50 million people suffer from mental illnesses such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Bipolor Disorder and Schizophrenia. What is even more alarming is that only 1 out 10 persons with mental disorders is clinically treated. And the reason for these shocking numbers is that we, as a country, feel ashamed coming out and accepting that mental illness is like any other disease and needs attention! It’s time we speak up and help those around us who are caged by their inner demons…It’s time we stamp out the social stigmas related to mental illness!

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